now that we’re Apple watched
Silicon Valley outposts all
Congo, China, Brazil, Bolivia
cobalt, gold, diamonds, copper, coltan*
brick-and-mortar serfs mine the metals
cyber-proles in hazmat white
hand-assembling devices
in sparkling clean rooms
Shenzhen Seoul Sri Lanka
they go home to unwired, fetid slums
blinking cams track our data
logged in, ponied up our passwords
checked “accept” at the bottom
after speed-scrolling
past pages of fine print
then hypocrisy
declare, I am not a robot
roads all ash, roving ragpickers
cheerleading tyrants
water level rising, “extreme” weather
short-listed for the apocalypse
Google, Amazon lock us down
Apple, Facebook record our lives
Verizon’s stacks
(now smokeless)
will hook us up
so go back to bed
click the remote
*columbite-tantalite used in capacitors of cell phones, game consoles, etc.