Night to Her Birds
on a black piece of paper
more shades of black
gliding, a stream on a map
the doodles, shapes of dreams
in quiet words
float, my traveling birds,
this February canvas
is yours, say the formidable
eyes of stars, blind
as dyed red hair, a veil
behind a grotto of gloom-
illuminate as I walk
a friend’s house calling
a studio apartment above
a Cape Air office,
eight college kids, a stray cat,
I notice north-south spanning
as if a flag bleached
as dark red and gray red
conflict for a muse
the birds in unison in a strange voice
call for a hope of a home
they will chase all their life,
with a night running after them,
the mother pleads: stay
I walk inside an aroma down
a stairway, late night curry,
my ears still ringing of that
strange call. A night to her
birds, hope you find what
you’re leaving me for