Still Life

But what night isn’t like this?

I’ve always been since earliest version of life


Like the dinner table

Carrying tedious things

On my head—

When there are people talking over

And when the voices vanish,

Life comes out of my mouth

Holding a spatula

… it looks just like me

If only I knew how to cook.

I’ve experienced imaginations of the

End of the world.

So I’ve never been happy.

But I’ve been content in small spaces-

Queues, linen back seat of a Hyundai

That tiny store. North face.

A girl’s heart.

Each day I enter life at the same moment:

You alone in your room at midnight

Are in your nighties beautiful

As how people stop to watch the moon together

The night is…what again?

Listen: the slow parade of wind, the fan

And the refrigerator, humming.

The mouse in your cupboard

I have always sounded like this.


In the days when Pittsburgh was covered 

by clouds of smog, cold-faced walkers 

navigated city blocks only by 

the neon lights of storefronts. 


A time when the city was known

only by shoe to sidewalk,

for the upper floors of buildings 

were lost to the heavens. 

Like ants crossing a large field, 

the only way home, to recount 

each and every step. 

I wonder what it was like 

when the smog finally cleared? 

I think about families who lived 

in cramped row homes, tacted to 

steep-sloped hillsides, like patches of glitter 

barely hanging on to a 3rd grader’s school collage. 

I imagine that first spring morning 

and the mother climbing up to the 3rd floor 

to clean the modest back windows. 

A common task that would leave her white cloth 

black with soot, from distant smokestacks

settling over months of invisible rain. 

Yet, on this day, as she finishes, 

she would for the first time gaze out 

to see the entire city, presenting itself

like the blooming of white trilliums.

Steel and glass skyscrapers glistening gold 

from sunlight streams, standing tall and silent, 

garnering reverence simply by their size and stillness. 

And the blue river waters exhaling 

a long-held sigh.

Gathering Firewood on Tinpan

I bundle them against my chest, not sure 

if they’re dry enough. Gauging how long 

they’ll keep me warm by the thickness. 

I step around carefully, looking for 

the deadest, searching the low places 

for something small and old that will catch. 

I pick up the dander loosened 

as my father folds his hands, lowers his head. 

The rolling thunder on the surface of a nail. 

I pick up the cross that seesaws his chest 

with each step. The day I lost my faith. 

The night my dog ran away and came back sick. 

The battery-pump of her final breath. 

Still wondering if she left alone, 

or if my father walked her out of this world. 

Still wondering what he used for a leash. 

I go further into the trees and find 

more fuel. My friends faded on oxy 

and percocet. My cousin Josh 

buried young in the floodplain.

My brother and the ways I burden him. 

Living it over and over each night. 

My father walking into every dream. 

My fire not bright enough to reveal anything. 

Not even his face. Not even the leash.

Reprinted from The Low Passions by Anders Carlson-Wee. Copyright (c) 2019 by Anders Carlson-Wee. Used with permission of the publisher, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 

Sputnik V

V is for vaccine:

the primal adversary against

a viral pathogen, ubiquitous and yet sparingly lethal,

heretofore unseen and yet hauntingly familiar.

Or is V for vector?

A vehicle, designed specifically to thrust

viral mRNA upon the human genome;

a vicarious introduction intended to blunt infectivity.

Or is V for victory, as Sputnik is for victory?

A vanquishing, simultaneously thwarting coronal encroachment

and the superiority complex of the West;

a political venture, a recasting of races for armament and space.

Or is V for vainglorious?

A virginal attempt, devoid of proper data?

An avaricious impropriety, shipping uncertainty across

taciturn borders into countries and continents of desperation.

V can be used to victimize or verify.

It can validate unsafe medical practices, encouraging replication,

or can be seen as a nadir of villainy, a confirmation of fraud and ineptitude.

Only time and the virus have the voices to tell.


On Sunday afternoons in August, 

the streets and sidewalks 

of Fairview are empty and drowsy. 

The gentle buzz of weed wackers, 

dispersed every few blocks, 

cloaks the neighborhood 

with a musing white noise. 

Each yard tool operated by working men 

dressed in cut-off tees and gym shorts. 

In no apparent rush, they move with care 

along flower beds and chain-linked fences. 

Their shoulders slouched 

from the weight of the machine, 

their faces mute and expressionless, 

neither frustrated nor content, the mind given space to wander. 

It is the same face that stares

back through the mirror 

each Tuesday morning, while trimming 

stubble hidden beneath cheekbones. 

Back and forth, the massage of metal against skin, 

and the hum of the razor droning on and on, 

drowning out fears, longings, hopes: anything 

that tries to crop up. 


Whoever you are, they take care of you. 

Dean leans over and labors the crank-window, 

asking where you need to go. Lillian shows 

how to clean and reload. Tucker. The Lees. 

Savannah shrunk by cancer. Lyle by diet, 

ordering you what he can’t eat. Hands that pass 

the double cheese and hands that steer the wheel, 

a foot floored toward Tennessee, our necks keeping 

Hendrix’s beat. Each morning another warning 

about the darkness out there. Triple murder, 

no suspects. Alien abductions in the Palouse. 

A family gone missing. A family found, 

their organs removed. Each day, against all this 

breaking news, another stranger saving you.

Reprinted from The Low Passions by Anders Carlson-Wee. Copyright (c) 2019 by Anders Carlson-Wee. Used with permission of the publisher, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 

NOVUS Literary and Arts Journal
Lebanon, TN