Sputnik V
V is for vaccine:
the primal adversary against
a viral pathogen, ubiquitous and yet sparingly lethal,
heretofore unseen and yet hauntingly familiar.
Or is V for vector?
A vehicle, designed specifically to thrust
viral mRNA upon the human genome;
a vicarious introduction intended to blunt infectivity.
Or is V for victory, as Sputnik is for victory?
A vanquishing, simultaneously thwarting coronal encroachment
and the superiority complex of the West;
a political venture, a recasting of races for armament and space.
Or is V for vainglorious?
A virginal attempt, devoid of proper data?
An avaricious impropriety, shipping uncertainty across
taciturn borders into countries and continents of desperation.
V can be used to victimize or verify.
It can validate unsafe medical practices, encouraging replication,
or can be seen as a nadir of villainy, a confirmation of fraud and ineptitude.
Only time and the virus have the voices to tell.