Sputnik V

V is for vaccine:

the primal adversary against

a viral pathogen, ubiquitous and yet sparingly lethal,

heretofore unseen and yet hauntingly familiar.

Or is V for vector?

A vehicle, designed specifically to thrust

viral mRNA upon the human genome;

a vicarious introduction intended to blunt infectivity.

Or is V for victory, as Sputnik is for victory?

A vanquishing, simultaneously thwarting coronal encroachment

and the superiority complex of the West;

a political venture, a recasting of races for armament and space.

Or is V for vainglorious?

A virginal attempt, devoid of proper data?

An avaricious impropriety, shipping uncertainty across

taciturn borders into countries and continents of desperation.

V can be used to victimize or verify.

It can validate unsafe medical practices, encouraging replication,

or can be seen as a nadir of villainy, a confirmation of fraud and ineptitude.

Only time and the virus have the voices to tell.

J. C. Cordova

J.C. Cordova is a medical student at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX, class of 2021. He previously served in the U.S. Army as a military police officer and is pursuing a career in anesthesiology. He thoroughly enjoys spending time with his wife and two dogs, and his hobbies include reading, baseball, and specialty coffee. He has been previously published in Progress Notes Literary Review, in-Training, and The Oslerian.

NOVUS Literary and Arts Journal
Lebanon, TN