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Stings of Sin

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Where does it hurt when I lie?
Is it in the piercing pain of thorns weaved
around your forehead with red truth sliding down

Is it the acidic taste of flame
raging in the dissolved vinegar eating
thousands of bumps on your tongue

Is it in the open slit of your side
where a sea of blood and water
spilled like the downward stream of a waterfall

Is it in the holes in your
hands and feet formed by rusted
iron pushed and twisted into cedar wood?

Savior, what does the sting of sin
feel like? Where does it hurt most? And
where are halos found among martyred men?

Cristian Dunn is a junior majoring in Creative and Professional Writing at Cumberland University. Under the tutelage of Sandee Gertz, Cristian’s artistic talents have truly begun to blossom. He was blessed to have Anders Carlson Wee critique his work in a workshop. When Cristian is not spending his time writing, he likes to learn as much as he can about the supernatural aspects of the world, with angels being one of his major interests.